Those have been the two biggest things happening currently in my life, (aside from a thrilling new haircut) but I've also been busy at work with my Piano at Noon project. Performing a new piece in the repertoire every single month is actually harder than I thought it would be, especially if you dump your entire repertoire and start a bunch of new things at once when you get rejected from a competition (which is what I do). It's been difficult at times, especially as it's lacking the live performance aspect. The difficulty of doing these monthly performances has been part of what made me nervous about my live Whimsical Birdsong concert, but it turned out all that was missing was intentional practice and just getting in front of real people again.
Looking forward, I'm currently working with soprano Kristina Cook on a massive project — record a complete CD of all of the art songs by Ravel. I was going to learn and perform them all anyway, but recording a CD in a professional studio and then performing and hopefully touring the complete program is another level of focus that I'm so excited to tackle. We are currently trying to pin down a studio, and recording will begin over the next few months! In addition to this, I'm planning out my next Whimsical Birdsong concert, which is to be the FIRST concert in the series that will be entirely solo piano, and will feature the popular and insanely difficult Gaspard de la nuit!
For now, that's about everything going on. The New York Opera Conservatory will be returning in the summer as well, and hopefully all will continue to look up on the horizon. It's all exciting!